Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'll do Better...

I promise. Thank you so much everyone for your support. I printed off all your beautiful comments and put them in my thinspo journal. They mean so much. I'll be back on track right away. I swear it. I love you all so much!


  1. you are an amazing girl! and I mean that. i'm here for you :) thanks for being there for me. sorry things aren't going better, but its not permanent

  2. Yay I'm glad everyone was helpful and we got you motivated!!
    love you too!


  3. Yay! Haha, that makes me happy to know that you're feeling better. Be strong, you'll be back in no time. :D

  4. good girl! think thin, just remember you are such an inspiration to me and so many others!

  5. That is such a good idea, printing the positive responses out and stick them in your thinspo book! :D
