Thursday, August 11, 2011


So... I've got some bad news and some bad news. Where should i begin? With the bad news, i suppose...
I'll start with the simple bad news: i'm still not moved into the damn appartment. Jesse says we'll be moved in this week, but hello, it's thursday already! I did completely clean the kitchen cabinets and cupboards a few days ago, and i started putting away some dishes and other kitchen-ware, and the carpet is almost completely laid, and the electric is even turned on, but the mold is not taken care of yet--slow landlord anyway! Supposedly, he took care of it on tuesday, but i haven't been down there to see if that's true or i'm just going to assume it's not since last time he told us a specific day he'd look at it, i swear all he did was just that: use his eyes and take a glance at it. Also, the landlady said she's going to scrub the walls in that room and paint it for us as soon as her hubby finishes up getting rid of the mold. Being pregnant, i can't be around paint fumes, so if she truly is painting today, as i was told she was planning to do (notice how little i believe it's actually happening...), that puts our move-in on hold for at least a couple days. Blah. This is the stupidest move-in i have ever heard of!
Now the not so simple bad news: i went for an ultrasound a couple weeks ago to doublecheck my amniotic fluid levels because the measurement for that came back a bit high on the previous ultrasound. The results of this last ultrasound had the amnitic fluid level measurement coming back normal, but the baby's kidneys were measuring too big! The doctor said that that could just simply be the person doing the ultrasound making a mistake, but he also said that if the kidneys really are too big, there's some sort of blockage keeping my baby from urinating properly. So, not this monday, but next monday i'm going for another ultrasound to doublecheck the baby's kidney measurement. I'm worried...even though the doctor told me not to worry. I mean, yeah, it really could have been the ultrasound technician's screw up, but it could also be a problem with my child's health. Of course, i'm gonna worry! I really hope it was just a mistake. The amniotic fluid measurement was a mistake, and the same person that screwed up that measurement did this last ultrasound, so hopefully it's just that she doesn't really know what she's doing... Fingers crossed and prayers going up like crazy.


  1. sorry to hear about baby, but im sure u have nothing to worry about. wow slow landlord, i think ur last two posts said u were to be moving in soon! lol

  2. I'll pray for you and your family and I hope you get into your apartment soon :)

  3. Dear Jo,

    I'm really sorry to hear you have worries with your baby's health, I will keep my fingers crossed and please, let us know how things turn out.

    As for your move-in, good luck with everything!

    Love you lots


  4. I'm sorry that you and Jesse are having such a hard time getting moved in, but keep your chin up things always get worse before they get better. I am sure that everything will be completely worth it in the end. I hope everything is alright with your daughter.

  5. YOu may like the song "Stand in the rain" it's by a band called Superchick.

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    The owner is too fat to work and she is leaching of the taxpayers. Give her a taste of her own medicine.


  7. Sorry about the apartment :(



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  10. Aw, I'm so sorry! D: I do know quite a bit about different things that can go wrong, but I've never heard of this...Heard of the opposite situation, but never this. Fingers crossed she'll be alright!

    Also, if at any point you're worried...Anything like this couldn't've been caused by Ana. She doesn't do that. She wouldn't dream of doing something like that to a little kid.

    -Stealthy, Fabulous Killjoy, Semi-Ana

  11. Dear Jo,

    I really hope by now you've moved in and that you're happy.
    I hope the lack of updates is due to you being busy with the new place. I keep my fingers crossed for you.

  12. Sending positive vibes towards you and your baby. We're all thinking of you.
